There are four types of armor, each with a specific number of "hits," and two types of suits: environmental suits (which protect against radiation) and combat suits. Usually, you can loot items after combat, but occasionally something like this happens. Even opponents with guns generally run into melee range after the first round. I don't know if there are any combats with multiple ranged rounds, but I haven't fought any yet. After that first round, the enemy closes with you and you have to fight with your melee weapon for the remainder of the combat. If your foe doesn't have a ranged weapon, that's a freebee for you. If you have a ranged weapon, you have the option to squeeze off a shot at the beginning of combat. This looks like the thing that Worf uses.
Bbs door games combat full#
The melee weapons range in quality and value from a steel chain up through a "TransAxe," an electric sword, and something called a "Tevix-Bahn." Ranged weapons range from a "Trialism" through a "Z-Tempest." Most of the weapon names are invented by the author, but the neat thing is that you can get a full description of each item in the base, making this one of the few games so far with item descriptions. Either way, for all its originality, combat offers few tactics, making it long and boring, and the game promises to offer hundreds and hundreds of them.įighting using the "statistical" method gives me nothing to do but watch helplessly.Įach character can carry both a melee weapon and a long-range weapon. I like the descriptors.įor players that don't like the action-oriented system (or had laggy modems, I guess), there's an alternative system based on random rolls against your dexterity, but I found that I miss a lot more using the random system. I think the speed at which the letters scroll by is based on your dexterity.Ī bit of the action combat system. At that point, damage is based on your weapon and strength.
When your desired letter group appears, you hit SPACE or ENTER, and if you caught it before all 5 letters went by, you score a hit.
Bbs door games combat series#
Each round, a series of As, Bs, and Cs scroll along the screen in groups of 5, and the game tells you which one you're looking for. I've just encountered an enemy.Ĭombat uses an interesting combination of real-time reaction and underlying attributes. Flat terrain surrounds me to the west, east, and north, but south of me are impassable rocks. The infrared scanner shows that I'm on flat terrain (in the center). In my explorations of the first "level," I found a couple of missile silos (these just seem to serve as temporary camps where you can rest and meet other characters), an abandoned Air Force base, and a hole that goes down to the other levels I guess the other levels are meant to be underground, but they have the same terrain as the initial one. Not all the squares are used the entire wasteland is ringed by impassable rock, and the interior has a variety of terrain, including mountains, water, swamps, desert, and radioactive areas. I assume the map is randomly generated for each new game, though I'm not really sure how this worked with multiple players. Ya Kirk! You didn't pull your phaser on that Klingon in cold blood! I loved that moment.Outside, the wasteland occupies multiple "levels," each with coordinates extending from 0,0 to 24E, 29S.
He even has the guts to tell the Aliens "This may have been a mistake" in regards to their test methods. Kirk did this right in front of the Aliens who were testing him and they say he hasn't earned the right to make contact with the species. The moment I click on him, the klingon shouts "Kirk! You backstabbing." and boom! Disintegrated. So after talking some strategy with the klingon, I decide to randomly and gratuitously pull my 'red marked' phaser on him.
The correct option is none leave, but I wanted Kirk to be a douche bag. Kirk and the Klingon captain are in the very last test where they need to decide which captain leaves and which one stays. Oh, my favorite experience with the whole thing has to be the moment near the very end of the game.
Bbs door games combat manual#
Two great games made back in the day when keeping track of the instruction manual actually was crucial! I HATED it when I brought those two games with me on trips only to find out that I had to improvise every bloody star selection just to find out where to go.